- prints the columnNames and columnIDs from a view - prints the query value for a filtered view - prints the metadata for a view
They've been helpful for quickly getting the behind-the-scenes information from one of the portals.
They share the same command syntax:
python <program> [-cook | -chicago | - il | <hostname>] <viewID>
-cook opens the Cook County Data Portal
-chicago opens the City of Chicago Data Portal
-ill opens the State of Illinois Data Portal
<hostname> - allows the user to specify another Socrata site
<viewID> - is the 9 character ID of the view to be used. The format is cccc-cccc
Here is one example of each utility.
python -cook e9qr-rmq4
Prints the IDs and names for all columns in the Cook County view for the DEC2010 Check Register. This helps in getting the columnID to put in your own filter.
python -cook 2wek-2jap
Prints the filter query Socrata generated for Example #15 where I used the web UI to search the DEC2010 Check Register for payments between $1m and $10m for construction services (which is a product code of 912). You can create a filter using your browser, use this to see it, and use it to guide you in writing one in your code.
python n5m4-mism
Prints the metadata for the White House Nominations and Appointments dataset. Direct the output to a file and use a text editor to browse through it to peruse a view. The screenshot shows the head of the output. There's much more that is printed.
# getcolumns - Prints the column IDs along with the column names for a view.
# args: <hostname> <viewID>
# If <hostname> is "-cook", use the Cook County Data Portal host name
# If <hostname> is "-chicago", use the City of Chicago Data Portal host name
# If <hostname> is "-ill", use the State of Illinois Data Portal host name
# Other <hosthame> is the host name for the Socrata site. Do not include "http://"
# <viewID> is the 9 character Socrata view (aka dataset) ID. Format is: "cccc-cccc"
# output: Lists the view's columnID and column name for all columns; one per line.
# The column ID is the value for the 'id' key.
import sys
from urllib2 import urlopen, URLError, HTTPError
from json import load
import pprint
hostNameChicago = ""
hostNameCook = ""
hostNameIll = ""
if len(sys.argv) !=3:
sys.stderr.write("Usage: python %s [-chicago | -cook | -ill | <hostname>] <viewID>\n" % sys.argv[0])
raise SystemExit(1)
if sys.argv[1] == "-chicago":
hostName = hostNameChicago
elif sys.argv[1] == "-cook":
hostName = hostNameCook
elif sys.argv[1] == "-ill":
hostName = hostNameIll
hostName = sys.argv[1]
viewID = sys.argv[2]
url = "http://%s/api/views/%s/columns.json" % (hostName, viewID)
u = urlopen(url)
except HTTPError, e:
print "The server at %s could not handle the request." % url
print "Error code: ", e.code
except URLError, e:
print "We failed to reach the server at %s." % url
print "Reason: ", e.reason
response = load(u)
i = 0
while i < len(response):
print response[i]['id'], ' : ', response[i]['name']
i += 1
# getcolumns - Prints the column IDs along with the column names for a view.
# args: <hostname> <viewID>
# If <hostname> is "-cook", use the Cook County Data Portal host name
# If <hostname> is "-chicago", use the City of Chicago Data Portal host name
# If <hostname> is "-ill", use the State of Illinois Data Portal host name
# Other <hosthame> is the host name for the Socrata site. Do not include "http://"
# <viewID> is the 9 character Socrata view (aka dataset) ID. Format is: "cccc-cccc"
# output: Lists the view's columnID and column name for all columns; one per line.
# The column ID is the value for the 'id' key.
import sys
from urllib2 import urlopen, URLError, HTTPError
from json import load
import pprint
hostNameChicago = ""
hostNameCook = ""
hostNameIll = ""
if len(sys.argv) !=3:
sys.stderr.write("Usage: python %s [-chicago | -cook | -ill | <hostname>] <viewID>\n" % sys.argv[0])
raise SystemExit(1)
if sys.argv[1] == "-chicago":
hostName = hostNameChicago
elif sys.argv[1] == "-cook":
hostName = hostNameCook
elif sys.argv[1] == "-ill":
hostName = hostNameIll
hostName = sys.argv[1]
viewID = sys.argv[2]
url = "http://%s/api/views/%s/columns.json" % (hostName, viewID)
u = urlopen(url)
except HTTPError, e:
print "The server at %s could not handle the request." % url
print "Error code: ", e.code
except URLError, e:
print "We failed to reach the server at %s." % url
print "Reason: ", e.reason
response = load(u)
i = 0
while i < len(response):
print response[i]['id'], ' : ', response[i]['name']
i += 1
# getquery - Prints the query resource in a filtered view
# This is used to quickly create the query document used in an INLINE filter API request.
# args: <hostname> <viewID>
# If <hostname> is "-cook", use the Cook County Data Portal host name
# If <hostname> is "-chicago", use the City of Chicago Data Portal host name
# If <hostname> is "-ill", use the State of Illinois Data Portal host name
# Other <hosthame> is the host name for the Socrata site. Do not include "http://"
# <viewID> is the 9 character Socrata view (aka dataset) ID. Format is: "cccc-cccc"
# output: The 'query' portion of the view metadata. Unicode indicators are stripped off the strings.
# The output is intended to be ready to be used in a program that is going to call the Socrata
# views service API with an INLINE filter request.
import sys
from urllib2 import urlopen, URLError, HTTPError
from json import load
import pprint
hostNameChicago = ""
hostNameCook = ""
hostNameIll = ""
if len(sys.argv) !=3:
sys.stderr.write("Usage: python %s [-chicago | -cook | -ill | <hostname>] <viewID>\n" % sys.argv[0])
raise SystemExit(1)
if sys.argv[1] == "-chicago":
hostName = hostNameChicago
elif sys.argv[1] == "-cook":
hostName = hostNameCook
elif sys.argv[1] == "-ill":
hostName = hostNameIll
hostName = sys.argv[1]
viewID = sys.argv[2]
url = "http://%s/api/views/%s/rows.json" % (hostName, viewID)
u = urlopen(url)
except HTTPError, e:
print "The server at %s could not handle the request." % url
print "Error code: ", e.code
except URLError, e:
print "We failed to reach the server at %s." % url
print "Reason: ", e.reason
response = load(u)
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=3)
# getview - Prints the metadata for a view
# args: <hostname> <viewID>
# If <hostname> is "-cook", use the Cook County Data Portal host name
# If <hostname> is "-chicago", use the City of Chicago Data Portal host name
# If <hostname> is "-ill", use the State of Illinois Data Portal host name
# Other <hosthame> is the host name for the Socrata site. Do not include "http://"
# <viewID> is the 9 character Socrata view (aka dataset) ID. Format is: "cccc-cccc"
# output: An indented print the response from /api/views/<viewID>.
import sys
from urllib2 import urlopen, URLError, HTTPError
from json import load
import pprint
hostNameChicago = ""
hostNameCook = ""
hostNameIll = ""
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
sys.stderr.write("Usage: python %s [-chicago | -cook | -ill | <hostname>] <viewID>\n" % sys.argv[0])
raise SystemExit(1)
if sys.argv[1] == "-chicago":
hostName = hostNameChicago
elif sys.argv[1] == "-cook":
hostName = hostNameCook
elif sys.argv[1] == "-ill":
hostName = hostNameIll
hostName = sys.argv[1]
viewID = sys.argv[2]
url = "http://%s/api/views/%s.json" % (hostName, viewID)
u = urlopen(url)
except HTTPError, e:
print "The server at %s could not handle the request." % url
print "Error code: ", e.code
except URLError, e:
print "We failed to reach the server at %s." % url
print "Reason: ", e.reason
response = load(u)
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
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